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Nowakowski Legal PLLC is available to assist with your boundary disputes, title disputes or any other real estate related legal dispute(s).


The type of disputes that can arise with real estate are potentially endless.  Perhaps you have a simple boundary dispute with a neighbor, maybe a tenant is claiming that your property is not habitable, or maybe you simply have a dispute as to ownership of title.  Either way, you know that a legal dispute has arisen pertaining to your property, and you need a lawyer that can help.  Nowakowski Legal PLLC is there to help you with your real estate legal dispute(s).

Did we not mention a real estate item you need help with? No problem! Chances are that we can still help . Just contact our office and set up a free consultation and we can fully review your issue and give you an idea as to how Nowakowski Legal PLLC can assist you.

One of the founding principles of Nowakowski Legal PLLC is that we want our relationship to grow alongside our clients. As our relationship continues to grow, and as your legal needs continue to increase, we hope to always be the law office you turn to when you are in need.

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